
Karkaralinsky National Park

Karaganda region

The mountains of Karkaraly and Kent, united by the boundaries of the Karkaralinsky National Natural Park, are one of the most popular recreation areas among residents of Central Kazakhstan. It should be noted, however, that this is largely applicable to the Karkaraly mountains, where, in addition to mountain peaks and pine forests, numerous lakes are added to the services of vacationers.

Tour program

Day 1

Karaganda - Karkaralinsk trip (230 km, 4 hours). Accommodation in a guest house. Dinner. Trip to the foot of the Karkaraly mountains (19 km, 30 minutes). Walking tour in the mountains with a visit to Lake Shaitankol. Transfer to the area of ​​the Three Caves and a short walking excursion to the caves that have preserved traces of the stay of the ancient man. Return to the guest house for dinner.

Day 2

Breakfast. Karkaralinsk - Kasym Amanzholov village trip (50 km, 1 hour). Visit to the region of Fourty Lakes and an abandoned mine, where gems were previously mined (14 km, 30 minutes by car, then a walk for 2 hours). Return to Karkaralinsk. Dinner. Transfer to Karaganda (230 km, 4 hours). End of the tour.