
From Astana to Ulytau

Karaganda region
3 дня

The Ulytau mountains at all times attracted the attention of steppe people. It was here that the headquarters of the eldest son of Genghis Khan - Zhoshy (Jochi), whose descendants were the majority of Kazakh rulers, was located. It is here that irrefutable evidence of historical events associated with the name of the terrible Tamerlane remained. It is in Ulytau that the grave of Alash Khan, the legendary ancestor of the Kazakh people, is located. Stone Age, Bronze Age, Middle Ages, modern times - all periods of history are presented in Ulytau in their own way.

Tour program

Day 1

Departure from Astana. Moving through Korgalzhyn and Barshino to the valley of the Zhaksy-Kon river, not reaching the village of Kylysh (260 km, 4 hours). If the trip takes place in May, then with photo shoots along the road against the background of blooming Schrenk tulips. Dinner and overnight in tents on the banks of the Zhaksy-Kon river.

Day 2

Early breakfast. Transfer to the outskirts of the village of Kylysh (8 km, 20 minutes). Inspection of the mausoleums of Ak Beket, Akhmedzhan and Kylysh (XIX century). Transfer to the mausoleum of Alash Khan (220 km, 4 hours). Excursion to the mausoleum of the legendary progenitor of the Kazakh people and the surrounding necropolis. Transfer to the mausoleum of Zhoshy Khan, the eldest son of Genghis Khan - Zhoshy (Jochi), whose descendants were the majority of Kazakh rulers (20 km, 40 min.) With a visit along the way to the mausoleum of the Hunnic period Dombauyl. Transfer to Zhezkazgan (50 km, 1.5 hours), lunch in the city. Transfer to Zhezda (65 km, 1 hour), visiting the Museum of the History of Mining and Smelting. Transfer to Ulytau (115 km, 3 hours) with a visit to the Baskamyr settlement along the way. Check in to guest houses, dinner.

Day 3

Early breakfast. Transfer to the foot of Mount Aulie (2 km, 15 min). Climbing the sacred mountain Aulie (round trip - 3 hours, climb - about 400 meters), the highest point of the Ulytau mountains (1133 meters), attracting pilgrims from all over the country. At the top - inspection of the ancient burials of seven saints and a cave. Lunch in the field. Driving towards Astana (480 km, 8 hours). Return to Astana late in the evening.